Getting ready!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Hmm... interesting times.

I've made some things to use on the day of transition on Friday which I'd really LOVE to share but I have no idea how to sell on TpT... can anyone help me?

On a more class-related note, looks like I have a fair idea who is in my class and which room I'll be in. I even know that there will be 23 students, 12 boys and 11 girls! 

I'm madly trying to get my hands on a sofa in good condition but not too much money, for the classroom library and have sized up the windows for some cute curtains. I may have to sew these myself as they are awkward sizes and again, I don't want to pay too much. If this is the case, maybe I will get a 'less than pretty' sofa and sew a cover.

Today I had my newsletter, parent survey and '3 Stars and a Wish' forms approved by the principal, ready to send home with my new students after the transition day on Friday. I have also purchased some large zip-loc bags (larger than A4 paper size) to begin collecting 3 extra copies of EVERYTHING I SEND HOME. This is for any new students which may come into my class, during the year. It saves rushing around for everything when they turn up. You can reach into the drawer and hand one to the parent when they walk in. Very organised and a great first impression.

I had an interesting time with one student today. I often work with this student and I know that this student will be with me next year. They are a little bit tricky and today was one of those days. Let us just say that I will have lots to blog about regarding the joys of behaviour management next year and there will be a huge focus on values!  

My mind is ticking away at a million miles an hour, trying to combat potential difficulties. Eep!  


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