MORE Making!

Thursday, 27 September 2012

I know I promised you a freebie now that I know how to make clip art but while I'm on holidays and have plenty of daylight hours, I just can't stop making displays and stuff for my classroom. (Remember: I don't have an actual classroom this year, this is all in preparation for next year... fingers crossed that my principal hears my pleas to teach children in my own classroom again!)

Anyway, I've utilised some of the pins I've accumulated on Pintrest and made a couple of 'long life' things for the room.

Here are my exit pass lanyards for the toilet, office, library etc. I haven't put the laminated labels on them yet. They have a clip on/off buddy tag too... handy for times when you do and do not want the children to head off with a buddy.
No name board... to peg up work which, well, has no name! (Students who recognise their work can collect it, otherwise it is filed in the round filing cabinet. If you know what I mean).
Birthday calendar. One clip for each month. I'll hang laminated tags for each child with their date beneath the month they were born (I haven't labelled the month clips yet).
Here's my very own idea (NOT a Pintrest rip-off!) The hangers on the back of the displays are a recycled ring pull off a dog food can! I cut a circle washer out of my Redbull can with scissors and screwed it on (feel free to pin this idea hehe!) 
I am thinking that my next making project will be a display frame for quotes I will use to begin discussions about social situations. I'm planning to put together a year's worth of these 'discussions'... but more about that later!


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