Clean Up Day

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Oh dear! I'm so very tired!

It is the last week for all of us here in Australia (before Christmas and our summer break) and today was our final school day for the year. Actually, many of the students counted yesterday as the final day as that was the presentation day, however, today is the last day we have students. The staff do need to go to school tomorrow but that is a preparation day... no students please!

Today we moved all furniture in the rooms, out to the vinyl areas, so the carpets can be cleaned. It had to be stacked and cleaned. What a big day! We also polished everything in the rooms and moved into or new classes... sort of. We filled the office rooms with all of our classroom stuff!

I just thought it would be appropriate to show you what my little office looks like currently.
YUCK! I hate it when it looks like this! Unfortunately, we have to wait three weeks before we can arrange the rooms, because of the carpet cleaners taking a Christmas break (how dare they?!) It is a bit of a forced holiday. It will give me a chance to wash and re-cover the class cushions and do some paperwork and planning. This isn't even half of the mess... most of it is at home! Haha.

I also got a chance to pick up the new couch. Well, new second hand couch. It is a green colour (I thought it was grey when I saw it offered for sale on the internet) but I will re-upholster it one day. Of course, that depends on if the end of the world arrives as predicted. That would be just my luck, it would happen AFTER I have cleaned the room from top to bottom!

Tomorrow I will get hubby in and he can do my strings (I use to hang things in the room). I will take some completed classroom pictures after Christmas. I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday!


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