BEFORE- Classroom makeover

Friday, 21 December 2012

I got stuck in and did a little more cleaning of my new classroom yesterday.

Hubby was kind enough to come in and replace the old, frayed and faded strings (for hanging displays), with new, HOT PINK and very tight ones. They are great and shouldn't droop much in the middle when they are loaded up with student work. 

I also got a chance to take some 'before' shots.
 Not too shabby after a good clean! I do need to get curtains. The corner is where I'm planning to put my fabulous sofa and little library. The fabric covering the notice boards isn't too bad so I will leave that there, I just need a funky border.

This is taken from the window wall, looking back into the room. You can see my interactive whiteboard and whiteboards, also my fuzzy Word Wall below them (for using words which are velcro-ed on the back, for easy removal). That whiteboard wall is actually a swinging partition. We have an 'open plan' school which means that all of the classes are joined. No doors. It can be a little noisy at times but teaches the children to be considerate of others! To the left of this shot is another display wall, 4 classroom computers and a small, shared office/storage area.

That's all for now. I did do some work on my mountain of mess in the office but it is still a big pile. I can not WAIT until the carpets are clean and I can begin moving everything IN.


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