Freebie- planning template and how I do it!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Hi all!

I've been working on a new planning template to cover some differentiated teaching and learning and to plan for my classroom aide and student teacher (I'm so lucky to have helpers this year!)

Being pretty experienced, I don't have to write everything out in full so the planning document can be quite compact.

A little background information: At our school, we have an hour mathematics session every morning (I like to squeeze a bit more in if I get the morning admin and jobs done quickly) and then after recess, we have a 2 hour literacy block. This has traditionally been an hour of reading (including a focus, small group work, guided reading and sharing) and an hour writing block (including spelling, grammar, handwriting and punctuation etc). Of late, we have placed a greater focus on spelling and have stated that there is now a mandated 20 min section within the 2 hour literacy block for word work. This has been interpreted as: 50 minutes reading block, 20 minutes word work, 50 minutes writing, by most teachers at the school.

The senior end of the school has really gotten into working in a Literature Circle routine where the Foundation grade - grade 2 children generally work in centres for their independent reading time.

Through analysis of surveys (completed by parents and students), assessment and observations, we have established that there is some room for improvement when the students transition from grade 2, into grade 3.

Guess where I'm teaching this year?

In order to follow the school's mandated time allocation for these main subjects and to address the transition issue, I've started working on a mutation of the centres AND Literacy Circles, mixed together.

I'll try to explain.

Mathematics is quite straight forward for me. I first take the curriculum and the assessment records of the students and plan for the year in terms.  
Then I break each 'standard' into weeks and sessions I believe it will take the students to grasp the concepts and plan at a 'week' level, then a 'per session' level. I make sure that I am familiar with standards above and below their level, so I can adjust the teaching and learning to accommodate individuals.
Then weekly, I fill out my planning document based on my 'big picture' planning (the year, term, week overviews). I do leave a small amount of time for adjusting and re-teaching of concepts if things don't quite go as I expect!

Literacy is a little different this year. Like I said, I'm trying something new. I still do the overview plans for reading, writing, speaking and listening and grammar, punctuation and spelling, but the way I'm delivering it will be different to the way I have done in the past.

My idea is to begin with reading TEACHING. This is a whole class focus time with a book, teaching specific concepts. I'm thinking this will go for 15-20 mins.

Next, students will break into their 'Book Clubs' and practise independent reading as well as completing a Literacy Circle type task which is geared to their ability level and discussing reading/learning.

During this time, Some students will be completing their tasks based on a book at the listening centre, some will be working completing theirs on a digital text or website on the computer, some completing their tasks independently on their own books and some in a guided group with me or the classroom aide (following the group work, we will rove and take assessment notes).


This should take around 20 mins and will have a 5-10 minute discussion about their learning, within their groups (30 minutes all up)

Are you still with me? 20 minute reading focus, 30 minute independent/group. 50 minutes so far.

Next, students come back to the floor for a 10 minute spelling/grammar/punctuation focus and 10 mins to complete a quick task based on their levelled spelling words or the grammar/punctuation focus. 20 mins total.

(We are up to 1hr, 10 mins- 50 mins to go!)

Next is writing focus, again 20 minutes, whole group. (30mins left!)

Students will then independently write. The theme, audience and genre etc will be established during a focus on that day or previously. They may be at various stages in the writing process. Myself and my aide will have a guided group and then rove, taking assessment notes- 20 minutes. 

Students will need to share their learning or make organised presentations of their writing so this will be the last 10 minutes of the session (covering some of the Speaking and Listening component of the curriculum).

Yep, that's 2 hours!

Running records will be undertaken daily during a 10 minute D.E.A.R (Drop Everything And Read) time after the lunch break, before moving into specialist subjects for an our in the afternoon.

I have uploaded a copy of the template I'm hoping to use for session planning (including pages for guided work). 

I am tempted to also upload the overview curriculum plans but I think it is important that teachers know the curriculum thoroughly and plan their own overviews (planning them SURE helps to get to know them back to front!)

Please let me know what you think of my document, planning process and lesson structure. I'd also love to know how you do it!   



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